Protecting Registry Keys

Before you apply the repairs to the registry keys, you can protect individual or groups of keys from being modified or deleted. You can protect keys using the Registry Fixer settings, or directly from the Advanced Scan results window.

After locking registry keys, you must run Registry Fixer again to apply those locks.

To protect registry keys:

1       In the Advanced Scan Results window, click Protect Keys.


2       Click a folder to lock the key. To unlock the key, click it again.

3       To lock all keys within a parent key, click Lock All.

4       To unlock all keys, click Unlock All.

5       To see all keys, click Expand All.

6       To add a registry key to the list, in the Add a registry key box, type the name of a valid registry key. Then, click Add.

7       Click OK.

8       A message appears, asking if you want to scan the registry again. Click Yes.

See Also

Running a Normal Scan

Running an Advanced Scan

Editing Registry Fixer Settings

Scheduling Registry Fixer